We have started a non-profit!
I have recently started a non-profit called Blue Kitabu (www.bluekitabu.org). The goal is to provide self-sustained education to children in developing countries. Our first focuses are in Ghana, Rwanda, and Kenya. The idea is that we want to work on a model that provides comprehensive education to these kids who would not otherwise have the chance, and we are attaching local business to the school so that it can sustain itself, and we will not have to continually try and support individual projects financially.
For example, the computer library at the school will be used as an internet cafe after school hours. The organic garden, where the children will learn how to grow their own food, will supply local markets.. etc...
Currently, we are building a school in Asebu Ghana for over 210 orphans and street children. We have raised about 50% of the $40,000 we need to finish the school!
If anyone is interested in an internship with us, or in helping us build this school and develop our model of self-sustainability, we would love your input and donations.
Here are two videos describing the project:
Asebu Free School Project: Foundation from Blue Kitabu on Vimeo.
Asebu from Blue Kitabu on Vimeo.

Rwaza Funded!
"It is a dream come true for the children. A couple (both veterinarians) that heads an NGO out of Austria has signed a contract with Father Bonaventure. They have agreed to pay tuition, food and medical for all the children residing at Rwaza Orphanage and they have given Father Bonaventure 20 million Rwandese Francs ($40,000.00 usd) to build a new facility nearer his Parish office. These children are now in the top 25% of income earners in the country. They are fed, looked after, educated and loved. Thank you for everything you did to help these children achieve the lifestyle they now live. "
We're really pleased to be able to report that the Rwaza children are now well taken care of, but there are many kids and organizations in Rwanda who still need help. We've focused our efforts into a new organization called Blue Kitabu. If you're at all interested in helping out in Rwanda, Ghana or Kenya please do get in touch with us and we can put you in touch with an organization that needs your help.
** The Children of Rwaza, while funded, still need continuing help to support their education and food costs, so, if you would like to learn more about how to help these kids more, please contact us here, and we will point you in the right direction.

2007 Rwanda Trip Update

At Rwaza, we donated $300 dollars to Mama Deo, the Sister who takes care of the small orphans, and instructed her that the money was for another two week supply of food. As it turns out (we didn’t find this out until we actually got there), the older kids are being well taken care of by a German couple, so we decided to focus more of our attention on the smaller kids.

An important part of this trip was learning about how different programs are being run – unfortunately the news is not always positive.

Urukundo Kids (School & Guest House)
Rev. Arlene Brown (Mama Arlini)

Rebero Good Bread Bakery & Orphanage
Leonce & Emmanuel

This project was fully funded in 2008.
PREFER Pre-School
Cathy Emerson

All in all, we learned much of what the challenges are facing these kids, how orphanages are run, what we can do to be involved more in the future. We thank you for your help and donations so that we could make these small but very meaningful donations to these causes. If any of you are interested in hearing more about any of these specific projects or how to get involved, we can point you in the right direction.
Thanks for all your kind hearts and generous donations.
Alex & London
Rwaza Orphanage
Labels: Rebero Rwaza Africa Orphanage Orphan Rwanda Urukundo Kids Non-Profit

Help the Rwaza Orphanage
I will be visiting Rwanda again this summer in order to bring the money that I have raised from my photos to an orphanage that I visited on my previous trip. I still have a little more than two months to collect money for the children, so anyone interested in buying prints or framed photographs from Rwanda, I am selling them for 50$ (prints) and 120$ (framed photographs) plus shipping, unless you live close to me in which case I will deliver. I will donate all profits, as well as donations, to the orphanage.
Before I leave I would like to collect clothes for the kids in the orphanage. So, if you have any extra children's clothes, please contact me and I will be happy to take them off your hands : )

A bit about the orphanage ... courtesy of my friend Akim, a Rwandan native who works with the Thousand Hills Expeditions:
"The orphanage was founded by some Catholic sisters just after the 1994 genocide. Due to the severity of the tragedy, it left many orphans, widows and victims of HIV (women) in an "open wind blow"! This was horrible to see and to understand. The sisters never closed their arms. They did the most that they could do, and tried to collect kids from everywhere."
As of now, the sisters have 51 kids, the majority of which are little girls. They hope for an "open heaven" for their future. The youngest child is almost one, while the rest of the children are a mix of ages (mostly minors).
1. Primarily, the kids need food, which is a serious problem. They are experiencing a severe shortage of food. The sister that looks after the children is attempting to find alternative hosts for the children because she cannot feed them.
2. The structure of the orphanage is too small. They need more space for housing the orphans as well as class rooms.
3. Water pumps and power generators would be a great idea. The orphanage has no electricity and water is not an easy resource.
4. Education is another important matter in the lives of the children. Many of the kids are of age to begin their education, but they lack funding and the educational background to enter the school systems like the rest of the children in the area.
5. Clothes, tools and any other materials would be greatly appreciated!
***Any donations in the form of clothing, money, tools or toiletries will be very much appreciated.
I plan on recording my trip. I will report back to all of you when I return, via photographs, writing and perhaps a video as well.
Thanks for your help!
Alex Rivest
a rivest @ gmail.com
The pictures on this page are from the orphanage only, but can still be ordered. Please email me the description (or filename) of the picture(s) you are interested in and whether you want them to be framed or not.
Site Designed By London, Thanks man!
Labels: rwaza orphanage rwanda AIDS genocide survivors children photography Africa travel